A Curiously Unusual Review of the Peaky Blinders #5


A Curiously Unusual Review of Peaky Blinders

By Naufal Ubaidillah

Currently at the 6th episode of the 4th season


After talking about Thomas’s romances, about legal and illegal business, and other things, today, I would like to elaborate about the general economical situation in the time of the Peaky Blinders. It’s quite intriguing, so please follow me.

The curious thing is that people living in the Peaky Blinders’ period (1920s) are so dependent on gambling. They gamble on almost everything. They bet on horseraces. They bet on boxing. As we can logically conclude, gambling does not only have bad effects for the economy of the people, but also for the mental state of them. By putting their life mostly on gambling, they feel like they can always get away with fixing races, fixing the boxing matches. For common people, it is even worse. They don’t fix the races nor the boxing matches. So, they just spend money on an uncertain thing. They absolutely don’t know who’s going to win. Granted, it brings them adrenaline, excitement, and an urge to increase their social wellbeing. But it won’t be money well-deserved, will it?

There are some people who work only legally, too, though. People who work at the factories. People who work at the ship ports. These sectors should be the focus of the government. That’s why, when I heard in the internet that Thomas Shelby, the leader of the Peaky Blinders, is planning to become a member of parliament, then I have a vague hope inside of me that Thomas will empower the legal sectors of the economy and eradicate gambling for good.

Where I am on the series right now, is where Thomas has just beaten the Changretta family. Luca Changretta is dead. And the tactic that he used to do that is absolutely mesmerizing. By the principle of “the big beats the small”, Thomas searched for families who own companies that are bigger than that of Luca Changretta’s. That way, he could afford paying Luca Changretta’s own hitmen, and as they are mercenaries, they work for the highest bidder, the people who pay the highest. So, Luca Changretta’s hitmen were bought by Tommy without Luca knowing it. Tommy lets Luca prepare the handing over of the Shelby Company Limited, when Tommy told Luca that his army is now working against him. Then Tommy beat him, and Arthur shot him in the head. Checkmate. It was so beautiful.


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